
Tokenomics is not Economics Chapter Three
First Use Case EcoTours.Travel
In Chapter Two, we established a few things, such as,
- Smart Networks have things that have a lot of letters in them
- Platform=Network of Networks
- Successful Platforms= Network of Networks with a Place and a Purpose
- If a network has a purpose and a place, you can add value to your network.
- Add value to your network and it becomes a platform.
- Adding value generally happens when a workflow (use case), is matched to a network.
Chapter 3 Use Case One – EchoTours.Travel – Customer experience is the challenge of the recovery in Travel and Tourism.
Company Name Echo Tours and Travel
Website URL https://EcoTours.Travel
Location of Team United States
Entrepreneur (Founder) Name Michael Noel
Founder Linkedin URL https://linkedin.com/in/MichaelNoel
Founder Email Address mike@bizbuildermike.com
Is your Company using Emerging Technology
Extended Reality (XR) – Augmented Reality (AR) – Virtual Reality (VR) – Fintech – Internet of Things (IoT) –
Company Short Description
EchoTours.Travel Providing Rural areas with a Virtual Tourism Platform. Local artists, local restaurant owners, local tour guides, hunting guides, and other local service providers fulfill guest requirements in App, paid in real-time, all networked on an IoT backbone.
Customer experience is the challenge of the recovery in Travel and Tourism.
Whether it’s more tailored products, greater digital parity with analog services, or faster turnaround, customer expectations have changed.
Describe the Problem that you are solving
Millions of Tourism Livelihoods Lost
Billions of Trees Burned
The Digital Divide
Rural Bandwidth Provisioning, Last Mile
US GDP Growth
Describe the Solution
Our clients are rural organizations with talented Artisans most of which are not experts in digital marketing. We are and we share our expertise in our Platform. We provide automated bookings, waivers, and scheduling all from within the Eco Tours App (Indexic.net White Label on EcoTours.Travel)
– All-inclusive Hyper Local Eco Tours using outdoor areas in the off-peak. Promoting local talents, local guides, restaurant operators, and local cuisine, prepared locally, maybe in Hatch County NM, or off Route 66.
What Challenges are you facing?
The business model needs to attract Miners, who build out the network and collect economic rents. This is the Digital Platform Model, and I am finding this model differs greatly in how it is started and financed. Marketing is different as well, since this is a Platform, with a Network, you need to market at the edge. This is where you can provide services immediately and at near zero marginal cost. The platform facilitates peer to peer transactions in a legal environment, Improved Digital Customer Experiences.
Stage of Product Development Soft Launch
How much capital has been raised/invested (in USD) $200,000
Anything else? – Whether it’s more tailored products, greater digital parity with analog services, or faster turnaround, customer expectations of what great customer experience (CX) looks like have shifted significantly.
EchoTours.Travel Providing Rural areas with a Virtual Tourism Platform. Local artists, local restaurant owners, local tour guides, hunting guides, and other local service providers fulfill guest requirements in App, paid in real-time, all networked on an IoT backbone.
Start Deck ——————————————–
EchoTours.Travel Providing Rural areas with a Virtual Tourism Platform. Local artists, local restaurant owners, local tour guides, hunting guides, and other local service providers fulfill guest requirements in App, paid in real-time, all networked on an IoT backbone.
Whether it’s more tailored products, greater digital parity with analog services, or faster turnaround, customer expectations of what great customer experience (CX) looks like have shifted significantly.
Lockdowns only accelerated these trends, leaving the travel ecosystem in a game of catch-up. In this changing landscape, travel companies that prioritize CX can gain loyalty, build resilience, and future-proof their businesses.

The Eco Tours and Travel Platform, the Art of Responsible Adventuring.
The first Eco Tours and Travel campus is in Lake Isabella California, the agreements we have in place are for events, and kitchen services, facilitated by local individuals and small businesses.
We have fresh baked goods requirements on this campus with 10 to 15k in recurring monthly revenue, and a concession, transporting guests from the parking lot at McNally’s 4,800 feet in elevation to the Sherman Pass at 9,150 feet. At the Summit, guests are treated to a catered lunch and curated trails. 16 guests a day, at 70.00 a head which adds another 20k a month in recurring revenue for the campus.
The addition of a small local transportation company would be necessary to complete this campus. This transportation company would also service Eco Tours and Travel Guest, in the app, with transportation services, as well as deliver baked goods daily to local restaurants. Regularly scheduled bakery delivery, Eco Tours and Travel in APP transportation calls, and guest excursions to the Sherman Pass are 20k to 30k a month to the transportation company.
All are facilitated by small businesses with local ownership and equity.
Eco-Tours and Travel marks up the local package by 10% and that becomes the client acquisition costs for the local event vendors.

Those local vendors coordinate fulfillment using the scheduling, waiver, and tour scheduling applications, in-app. Local guest services providers are prepaid for tour services. If you are a vendor constantly providing a very low bid for services, and you have complaints, AI, will curve that vendor’s services, in real-time.
Eco-Tours and Travel is a marketing company that collects 10% in real-time. The platform fee is 9% and is provided by a 3rd party under a white-label agreement, Eco Tours and Travel adds a 1% management fee. Local businesses receive 80% in direct in-app payments for the balance, in real-time (no banks).
3 Day event – 250 per person 3 guests booked in Eco Tours and Travel Reservations.
Eco-Tours and Travel Marketing – 25 dollars a person (10% of 250) pp per day
Eco-Tours and Travel Platform – 25 dollars a person (10% of 250) pp per day
For transportation for that guest, we pre-pay 30 a day for each guest. The transportation company agrees to provide transportation for three guests for one day in the app for 90 dollars.
Transportation experiences in the app with social sharing. Other local vendors can also bid for that business as well so that the price is flexible. This becomes hyper-local freelancing.
For this example, we pay local, bonded, insured, transportation providers, 30 per guest for transportation, some will use more, and some will use less. Projections are for 20 to 40 guests a day, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. So we have a budget of say 30 guests for 3 days is 90 transportation days a week. Contracted at $30.00 a day, or 3k to 8k per week for transportation, available, pre-paid, in-app, for local providers per campus.
3 Guests would stay in a Weldon KOA Kabin at 80 dollars an evening so 25 dollars a head. We contract for home-cooked meals for 60 dollars a day per person meals, from a local kitchen that has unused assets.
50 + 30 + 25 + 60 is 160 dollars the balance of 90 dollars a day goes to an event such as the Sherman Pass Lunch hiking trip, or horseback riding on the ponderosa. This is 250 a day, over 200 of which, per day, per guest, has gone directly into the local economy and provides the base experience.
3 Guests would stay in a McNalley’s cabin at $145 an evening. So 49 dollars a head. 50 + 30 + 49 + 60 is 190 for the base and 90 dollars for an experience would be 295 dollars a day and so forth.
More bespoke Journey and Bucket List Tours could be several thousand dollars a day.
This becomes an Immediately Profitable Campus that can be easily replicated almost anywhere.
An additional example would be gold panning and hiking events, starting from McNally’s just a few miles from the Sequoia National Forest in the Southern Sierra Nevada near the Sequoia national park. Here guests will find hiking trails that are Globally well known, including Walker Pass on the Pacific Crest Trail and the Rincon trail which happens to also be nearby.
There are over 17 catered wilderness adventures, visiting over 11 different wilderness locations. These adventures are safe and food and sleeping quarters are provided.
Tours range in length between 2 days and 28 days.
On this campus, there is a Steakhouse and a bar within walking distance from your camp. Mc Nally’s Home of the 40 Oz Porterhouse, Friendly Staff, and is within walking distance from your campsite.
Shuttle to the Sherman Pass leaves twice daily. The Sherman Pass is at 9,150 feet in an old-growth forest. Fishing Guided trips are available.
Horseback riding at the Ponderosa in the Sequoia forest is available.
Gold Panning tours are available. Hiking tours to points of interest, like ghost towns, hot springs, or the Rincon Trail are Available.
Self-hosted Geo Location tours are always free! (And on the network-, 1.00 per gig).
Eco-Tours and Travel Guests would be staying at McNally’s Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Currently, occupancy rates during this timeframe are below 20% and are fully staffed on those days.
Events at the Kernville campus include evenings at McNally’s, and the Weldon KOA, transportation provided by a yet-to-be-contracted local, insured, small business. The food is provided by a local, insured, small business in this case a startup based in Lake Isabella California.
In this way, events are facilitated by local small businesses that coordinate Guest Services via the Eco Tours and Travel Platform. Guests could reserve a Gold Panning event on the Kern hosted by a local Gold Panning Guide, Horseback riding at the ponderosa lodge in the Sequoias, or hike the Rincon Trail.
Eco-Tours and Travel is working with 8 billion trees.
8 Billion Trees is a carbon offset company that runs large-scale planting operations in the Amazon Rainforest. 8 billion trees have agreements with major hotel chains to provide unused inventory in many other places for just 40 dollars a night. These same rooms often go for $250+ a night.
We offer reforesting tours for $185.00 a day, including that lodging, transportation, and food. Eco-Tours and Travel guests enjoy the local culture and cuisine while working in tandem with 8 billion tree workgroups planting trees in some of the world’s most beautiful places.

Reforestation Tours are all-inclusive and start at just 185.00 a day.
These are some of the currently available locations for 3-7 night Reforestation Group Tours.
These group tours are available for booking today through JV Partner Interline cruise connections.
Cancun, Mexico, Bali, Indonesia, Athens, Greece, Denver, CO, Orlando, FL, Las Vegas, NV, Myrtle Beach, SC, Daytona Beach, FL, Palm Springs, CA, New York City, NY, Nashville, TN, Fort Lauderdale, FL, Virginia Beach, VA, Yosemite, CA, Boston, MA, Miami, FL, Hawaii, HI, San Diego, CA, Atlantic City, NJ, San Antonio, TX, New Orleans, LA, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, Mazatlán, Mexico, Budapest, Hungary, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Montreal, Canada, Niagara Falls, Canada, Fiji, Paris, France, Berlin, Germany, Dublin, Ireland, Jerusalem, Israel, Venice, Italy, Rome, Italy, Kyoto, Japan, Seoul, South Korea, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Auckland, New Zealand, Boracay, Philippines, Singapore, Cape Town, South Africa, Tenerife, Spain, Barcelona, Spain, Stockholm, Sweden, Koh Samui, Thailand, Phuket, Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, London, United Kingdom.
Problems solved with this Platform First Approach?
- Millions of Tourism Livelihoods Lost
- Billions of Trees Burned
- The Digital Divide
- Rural Bandwidth Provisioning, Last Mile
- US GDP Growth
Target market
- US visitors spent $233 Billion in 2019
- 640 million a day
- 330 million were employed
- Tourism accounts for 1 in 4 new jobs
- US GDP Growth

Virtual Tourism Platform
Sales channels
EcoTours.Travel, EcoTours.Directory and ReeBootEcoTours.com are our main digital funnels. We syndicate tours, content, and reviews offered by local tour organizations on multiple Online travel Portals, like Air BNB, Booking.com, and a hundred others
Marketing activities
Our clients are rural organizations with talented Artisans most of which are not experts in digital marketing. We are and we share our expertise in our Platform. We provide automated bookings, waivers, and scheduling all from within the Eco Tours App (Indexic.net White Label on EcoTours.Travel)
On the Eco Tours Dot Travel Platform, we first provide the opportunity to the miners, who set up the network. Next, we set up a white label indexic, which provides reservations, liability waivers, and scheduling for fulfillment. This automates the workload for Reservations, liability waivers, and scheduling for fulfillment.
Marketing drives traffic which converts to cash and a schedule for independent service providers in the network, peer to peer, member to member. The cost is 9% of the booking (Indexic.net White Label).
Eco-Tours and Travel marketing cost is 10% (Client acquisition cost to local providers who in return are paid in advance for goods and services (No Banks)).
Inclusion, Diversity & Social Impact
Travel & Tourism has always been a sector for the people, by the people; relying on the wonders of this world to thrive. It is a sector that meaningfully changes the lives of the people and communities it touches. It not only creates jobs; but reduces poverty and inequality and enriches communities both economically and socially.
In 2019, 330 million people were employed by the sector, with Travel & Tourism accounting for 1 in 4 new jobs created in the last five years.
Unlike many other sectors, Travel & Tourism is highly inclusive, employing and offering opportunities to people from all walks of life, including minorities, youth, and women, who account for 54% of the sector’s employment.
The sector also fuels entrepreneurship, with 80% of our sector being SMEs. The Travel & Tourism sector has a unique ability to further protect and engage vulnerable groups and communities while fostering innovation and preserving ecosystems; ultimately having a tremendous social impact.
In light of the devastating impact of lockdowns on the sector, there is an urgent need to come together to recover the hundreds of millions of jobs lost, and livelihoods impacted and continue supporting the millions benefiting from the sector by rebuilding together in an even more sustainable and responsible way.
While the sector was on hold, world citizens have been re-invigorated to tackle social and environmental sustainability, providing a unique opportunity to build on this newfound momentum to accelerate meaningful changes in Travel & Tourism that will make a lasting difference for future generations and the planet.
The Eco Tours and Travel Platform is promoted, on hundreds of travel platforms like Air BnB, Expedia, and Tentrr, as well as sponsoring, The Eco Tourist who reports at http://ecotours.travel along with the eco-tours. directory.
Eco-Tours and Travel takes deposits for reservations and handles both digital and fiat-based payments. The Eco Tours and Travel platform also handles liability release forms, and insurance as well as communication of guest dietary, and other special needs. Deposits in advance for Guest Services are paid to local guest service providers immediately, with a right of offset in the event of termination under a contractual, recurring service agreement. All of these activities are supported in the platform. The platform facilitates peer-to-peer, frictionless transactions.
“Platform businesses scale in a manner that is very different from traditional business models, Platform businesses scale without commensurate effort and costs involved from the business itself.”
Sangeet Paul Choudary
And the platform scales with little effort thanks to the positive feedback loop. Guests are connected, even in the wilderness, (digital nomad). Pastries and sweet bread are best served freshly baked that morning which provides transportation to the platform at near zero marginal cost thanks to the bakery delivery requests (trunk of the Tesla). Scheduled trips to a major event like the Sherman Pass provide additional transportation opportunities to the platform at near zero marginal cost.
Self-guided tours are available. Here data blobs are hosted remotely that describe a particular mountain range nearby. Provide information describing hiking trails in the area. Information about what kind of tree that is, information on where to be picked up, and so much more, all for the data cost of 1.00 a gig.
Next, up, in Chapter 4 Tokenomics is not Economics moving from pipes to platforms.
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